Country Information

Name Precaution Certificate
Yellow Fever No* No*
Typhoid Yes Yes
Tetanus Yes Yes
Rabies Sometimes Sometimes
Malaria Sometimes Sometimes
Hepatitis A Yes Yes
Diphtheria Sometimes Sometimes

Health Care

Standards of health and medical hygiene are among the best in Latin America, although public facilities may not come up to par with more developed countries, particularly in more rural areas. Both public and private hospitals are available but tourists may only use the publicly-run healthcare service known as Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social (CCSS) in genuine emergencies. Private treatment is on the whole, of good quality and much lower cost than equivalent services in the US. Most doctors will expect payment in cash. Tourists visiting Costa Rica are recommended to take out health insurance before travelling.


*A Yellow Fever vaccination certificate must be presented on arrival to the country if you are coming from a Yellow Fever-infected country. Such countries include Colombia, Brazil, Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, French Guyana, Angola, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Gabon, Cameroon, Nigeria, Benin, Ghana, Burkina Faso, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Gambia and Sudan